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SEO Tips for Beginners - Web Daytona, LLC

Written by Admin | Dec 20, 2021 11:24:27 AM

For those who are new to the wonderful world of SEO or simply want a refresher on a few concepts: We welcome you on behalf of Web Daytona! Did you know that over 1.3 million businesses use search engine optimization strategies on the internet?

However, over 70% of small businesses do not use SEO, which has become a critical factor in revenue loss. You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for words of wisdom to help launch your SEO career.

During this economic downturn, SEO is an affordable and effective marketing strategy for businesses looking to cut costs while increasing their online presence. That means that if any size business wants to succeed on the internet, developing an SEO strategy that effectively markets them will become their most valuable asset. There are numerous aspects that go into SEO, so getting through the early stages of your career may be a little daunting for those looking to enter the industry.

However, it is important to understand the foundations SEO in order to become proficient. On top of this, you should take the time to practice any SEO tools. Take the time to put what you’ve learned into practice; it’ll be the best thing you can do for your artillery and career. In this post, I’ll go over the things I believe you should be aware of as you strive to become an SEO master!

Approach With A “Think Outside The Box” Mentality

When we say “think outside the box,” we mean that newcomers should study what works but not always do what works. Every company has a unique strategy for reaching the top of search engine results. It’s a wise chess move to investigate what works in their strategy make this successful, it’s also acceptable to shake things up a little.

SEO is about how creatively you can get a website to the first page of Google. Investigating your competitors can help you understand what methods they are employing and which ones they are not. Knowing this type of information is beneficial because, without a basic understanding of how others have achieved success, you cannot build a strong SEO strategy that covers all of the bases so that your client can rise above credible competitors.

When we say “think outside the box,” we mean that we want SEO professionals to think outside the box and lean more toward the consumer side. For example, if you are a law firm looking to rank for “divorce attorney + LOCATION,” look into what content is associated with divorce attorneys in your target area. Ask yourself something along the lines of the three following questions:

  • What isn’t being said?
  • What isn’t being done?
  • Could anything be done differently?

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Explore Your SEO Tools

Experimenting with and practicing SEO tools will benefit you in the long run. Popular SEO tools like SEMRush, Ahrefs, and even Moz can help you build your SEO strategy for any client you come across.

I can’t speak for the other tools because I’ve never used them, but researching SEMRush helped me get started in my SEO career. Keyword research, on-page SEO checker, and competitor analysis are just a few of the great tools you can use to keep your client happy and gain website credibility.

Fortunately for you, many tools offer free trials or trials at a very low cost. Give it a shot, whatever you learn. Improving your efficiency with these tools will benefit your SEO efforts in the long term.

If you’re new to SEO, you’ve probably read articles claiming that “backlinks aren’t as important as they once were.” While this may be the case, backlinks are still beneficial. Link building is a term used in search engine optimization to describe actions taken to increase the number and quality of inbound links to a webpage in order to improve the page’s or website’s search engine rankings.

Links are essentially “approved” messages from other websites that find your information useful. The more healthy backlinks a page receives, the more likely Google will consider your content useful enough to rank on the first page. This section entails a significant amount of research and outreach. 

It’s also important to implement internal linking in your content. An internal link is a type of hyperlink on a web page that points to another page or resource on the same website or domain, such as an image or document. Depending on their target or destination, hyperlinks are classified as “external” or “internal.”

Make a list of potential websites or blogs that would be willing to give you a backlink or even accept your offer to write an article for them. There are SEO tools available to assist in gathering a collection. With this method, you demonstrate to authoritative websites that your content is relevant to them while also establishing a future relationship.

Pay Attention To Bounce Rates

The term “bounce rate” is a digital marketing term that is used in web traffic analysis. Its statistics are based on the percentage of visitors who enter the site and then leave without viewing any other pages on the site. If the website you’re working on isn’t generating the results you want, look into other methods that could help keep visitors on your site and reduce bounce rates.

SEO, as stated earlier in this article, is intended to be creative. Changing your on-page SEO creatively is likely to have a positive impact on your campaign and can assist your customer in reaching their goals. For example, if you run an online store that sells fishing equipment, you’ll want to make sure that your content is appropriate for people who enjoy fishing as a hobby. The more compelling the content you create, the more likely organic traffic will stay on your website.

Note: Google Search Console and Google Analytics are superb tools for tracking bounce rates. 

SEO-Friendly Content Will Be Your Best Friend

Writing SEO-friendly content is an important part of your SEO strategy. Keyword research, page titles, blog posts, and so on can all help a website rank higher in the long run. If you want to rank high on search engines, you must focus on original content and visual elements on your page.

Failure to pay attention to these elements can leave a significant stain on your campaign. It can be an unfortunate ranking factor in why it isn’t ranking high enough on any search engine results page. One of the things we mentioned was to look into your SEO tools; this would be a good reason because a good SEO tool can help you easily track down these issues. Platforms like SEMrush, Surfer SEO, and Frase typically have excellent keyword research tools that can be extremely useful when creating content.

White Hat SEO

When you first start out in SEO, you go through an elimination stage. That is, you are experimenting with strategies that you believe will be productive and effective. For example, if you’re promoting a solar panel company and want to get enough backlinks to help your solar panel client rank high in search engine results pages. You may believe that spamming different forums with posts that include backlinks to your client’s website is a good idea.

As powerful as this can be, it may be detrimental to your strategy. If Google sees this kind of action, most likely they will classify this method as ‘Black Hat SEO’. Black hat SEO is a set of practices used to increase a site’s or page’s rank in search engines by using methods that violate the terms of service of the search engines. The term “black hat” originated in Western films to differentiate the “bad guys” from the “good guys,” who wore white hats.

While The white hat SEO refers to the set of approved search engine optimization tactics used to improve a website’s ranking on a search engine results page (SERP).

Organic search results are those that appear on search engines as a result of legitimate methods rather than paid advertising or deception. Paid ads and sponsored links are prominently displayed on search results pages. The portion of visible search results dedicated to organic results is limited, making top placement highly desirable.

It is critical to understand the distinction between these two terms. Furthermore, study Google’s guidelines and what potential methods they advocate for helping websites reach the first page of Google.

Final Thoughts

Remember that everyone is different, and this is nowhere near an SEO guideline. These are just a few of the elements that aided me on my journey. A good SEO strategy is a comprehensive and effective digital marketing strategy. We hope that these elements will aid you in your quest to become an SEO master!