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AdminMar 20, 2018 5:01:35 PM3 min read

Why Having Your Own Workspace Is Important

Why Having Your Own Workspace Is Important

Your own workspace. While the idea is probably appealing to most people, many business owners still put it off in favor of stretching out on a couch with a laptop.

This is such a bad idea.

In Stephen King’s 2000 book, On Writing, he outlines the steps to becoming a successful writer (as well as his fascinating personal life). Somewhere between “forget the critics” and “I was so high while writing Cujo I don’t remember writing it”, he actually says some pretty valuable things.

Write one word at a time.

Avoid adverbs.

And find your own writing space, with no TV, no phone, and no distractions.

It’s this third point that we’re going to be putting under the microscope, today, as we discuss why having your own, set workspace is so important. And that goes for everyone, not just writers.

Ready to transform the way you do work?

Good – let’s get you started!

It Keeps You Honest

Writing somewhere with a TV and a plush couch might sound “manageable” once or twice, but the truth is we’re all only human. Anybody can get distracted by their favorite show or the introduction of an unexpected pet into their couch fortress.

Suddenly, all that work you said you were going to do gets pushed further and further into the background.

Having your own dedicated workspace means that when you say “I’m going to go in there and finish this draft”, you really don’t have a choice but to do exactly that. No distractions – all work.


You’re Taking It More Seriously

Having a specific desk to work at helps to improve your work in two ways.

Firstly, it makes the work you do official. Sitting at that desk is the same as sitting at a desk in an office. There are rules you have to follow. Expectations you have to match up to. Thinking about Facebook or a short YouTube video? That’s for your downtime – this is a bonafide office desk, and you’re here to do office work.

The other way in which it helps, we’ve sort of already mentioned: the lack of distractions. Sit yourself down at a desk, close the door, and pretend like the rest of the world doesn’t exist. With this focus, you can concentrate on your work like a real professional, with no chance of being brought out of “the zone” by anything.

Downtime Is Easier To Follow Through On

Of course, there are two sides to every successful business person.

There’s the side of you that grinds. And the side of you that takes a little downtime.

If you only do work at your desk, you’re locked into that project and giving it your all, which is great for productivity. But the other benefit is to your personal life.

Once you’ve clocked out for the day, you can leave your work at your desk with a clear conscience. No answering emails in the middle of a movie. No fact checking articles in the mall. That was all stuff you did at your desk, and now that you’ve finished, this is you time.

Trust us – you’ll thank yourself for the rest and relaxation when business gets a little crazy, again.

Get Your Own Workspace, And Get Ahead

Whether you’re a writer, an accountant or a business manager, the responsibilities of a full workload can be intense. Make sure you have somewhere quiet and private at home to do your work in, and you’ll have solved one problem right off the bat.