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5 Tips to Improve Your Facebook Marketing - Web Daytona, LLC

Written by Admin | Oct 2, 2019 3:08:25 PM

Choosing to market your business through Facebook is one of the best decisions one can make. Time after time, Facebook has proven itself to contain a plethora of data that allows a business to not only tap into their specific demographic but help them steadily grow as well. However, even the best platforms have their learning curves. This is why we’ve compiled our top five tips to improve your Facebook marketing. 

Know Your Audience 

It is one thing to understand who your audience is — it’s another to know who your audience is. This may seem a little complicated, but trust us, it’s easier than it sounds. Knowing who your audience is can be accomplished through interaction rather than one-sided conversations. Another way is to study your Facebook audience insights. This is data that can show you who is engaging with your posts. This means their age range, location, and even how long they spent browsing your site. Another great area to pay attention to are your reviews. There are several ways you can encourage people to leave reviews on your Facebook page, you don’t have to buy reviews. Buying positive reviews will not only give you false data but can bring your credibility down with potential consumers.

Ask for Feedback 

Asking for feedback from your consumers or a focus group can be very beneficial to the potential success of your company. Contrary to popular belief, a company that asks its base for suggestions is often placed in a better light than say a company that thinks they know best. One of the perks of asking for feedback is that it often costs nothing to simply post a question or poll on your wall. In addition, people feel like they are truly a part of something bigger than themselves that can actually manifest in a product or service. 

Know When to Post 

Knowing when to post your content is crucial in determining the amount of impact. Advertising on Facebook is not free, and therefore, you must always make every dollar count. This means posting within times that do not conflict with your audience’s everyday activities such as work, school or late at night when they’re asleep. So, when is the right time to post? There are essentially two ways to determine this. If you’re a beginner with not many followers, you may have to rely on your intuition. This means if your services are aimed towards high school kids, then it might not be the best of choices to post at 1:00 pm when they’re in class. Those with a sizable number of followers can use Facebook insights to be able to get a precise time of when to post. 

Focus on Video Content 

You might have noticed that most of the advertisements on Facebook are showing up in video form. This is directly connected to the fact that videos do considerably better than the traditional image and text. Video content provides people with a sense of trust as they can place a face on your business. Your potential clients don’t want to sit and read a whole paragraph about your company. Watching a quick video that gets to the point can provide you with dramatically more engagements on your post and visits to your website. 

Share Great Content 

It’s clear that to build a large audience, you must first present great content. A person scrolling through their feed won’t stop to look at some bland advertisement that they’ve probably seen a thousand times before. If constantly coming up with content is difficult, we recommend sharing content that your audience may like on your page. Some of the best content includes information that your audience may already have but cut into pieces. A good example of this is a video explanation of your business, service or book to your audience. Keeping great content flowing through your page may be difficult, but with the right planning and execution, you can no doubt accomplish this goal. 

Facebook is an excellent tool for any business seeking to display their talents to the world in the most accurate way. Although Facebook ads is a relatively easy medium to get into, there is no doubt a learning curve that must be taken seriously in order to get the best results possible.

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